Music Therapy can be a motivating therapy modality to support mental health and wellbeing for those who have a particular connection with or interest in music.
People often seek out Music Therapy because they love to sing, or learned a musical instrument as a child and wish to reconnect with this interest or to further develop their skills. Working towards personal music goals can support participants’ motivation, self-efficacy and confidence in expressing themselves creatively, while regular engagement with music offers practice at using music as a resource to support personal wellbeing. Participating in Music Therapy can also reduce anxiety, depression and other negative symptoms of mental health conditions.
There is also growing evidence for Music Therapy to support the safe processing of trauma (e.g. PTSD and complex trauma), using a range of methods including musical improvisation, songwriting and drumming / rhythm-based methods.
Where therapy goals can be supported by learning to read and play music of favourite songs, these free to download resources are offered for introductory learning of piano, guitar, bass guitar and ukulele.